KV Karate

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A family club that encourages men & women, boys and girls of all ages to be active and diligent in their karate training. Training often occurs together with parents and children training at the same time for a stronger family support base. The training environment is disciplined and fun with a variety of instructors and different themes from class to class. KV Karate has also produced competitive athletes that have competed at the provincial, national and international level.

Leaders & Their Rank:

  • Sensei Robert McInnes (Chief Instructor): 8th Dan Kyoshi, 2nd Dan in Ryukyu Kobujitsu

  • Sensei Brent Donovan: Sandan, Shidoin

  • Sensei Mike Quinn: Sandan, Shidoin

  • Sensei Pam Carey: Nidan, Jun-Shidoin

  • Alec Hocquard: Nidan, Jun-Shidoin

Number of Students: 80


Contact Us:

Sensei Neil Pond

(506) 636-2778

Located at the KV Karate Martial Arts Centre:

67-B Marr Rd

Rothesay NB, E2E 3J9